Thoughtful (Value Priced) (A Thoughtless Novel), by S. C. Stephens
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Thoughtful (Value Priced) (A Thoughtless Novel), by S. C. Stephens
Ebook PDF Thoughtful (Value Priced) (A Thoughtless Novel), by S. C. Stephens
In Thoughtless, Kiera told her story. Now it's time to hear from the sexy rock star who captivated us all . . .THOUGHTFULThe only place Kellan Kyle has ever felt at home is onstage. Gripping his guitar in a darkened bar, he can forget his painful past. These days his life revolves around three things: music, his bandmates, and hot hookups. Until one woman changes everything . . . Kiera is the kind of girl Kellan has no business wanting-smart, sweet, and dating his best friend. Certain he could never be worthy of her love, he hides his growing attraction . . . until Kiera's own tormented heart hints that his feelings might not be one-sided. Now, no matter the consequences, Kellan is sure of one thing-he won't let Kiera go without a fight.
Thoughtful (Value Priced) (A Thoughtless Novel), by S. C. Stephens- Amazon Sales Rank: #1235356 in Books
- Brand: Stephens, S. C.
- Published on: 2015-06-09
- Released on: 2015-06-09
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.00" h x 1.38" w x 5.25" l, .0 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 560 pages
Review "It's one of those stories that sucks you in, makes your heart race, puts a smile on your face and doesn't let you stop turning the pages even for a second." --- Aestas Book Blog on Thoughtless"S. C. Stephens at her best! A sigh-worthy romance you will never forget, Thoughtful is full of her trademark emotion and toe-curling tension. A brilliant look into the mind of one of our most beloved book boyfriends. I consumed it; it consumed me. I didn't want it to end."―Katy Evans, New York Times bestselling author"Just when you thought you couldn't love Kellan Kyle more, S. C. Stephens makes you fall in love with him all over again. In typical fashion, S. C. draws you in, makes you feel like you are part of the story, and doesn't let you go until the very last page. Emotional and addictive, it's a story you'll come back to time and again. Superb!"―K. Bromberg, New York Times bestselling author"Thoughtful is an emotional roller coaster ride, and Kellan Kyle is going to make you swoon and sigh in the most delicious ways."―Lisa Renee Jones, New York Times bestselling author"From page one, this book is impossible to put down."―Abbi Glines, New York Times bestselling author on Thoughtless"Wildly addictive, beautifully written, and uniquely captivating. Thoughtless is a simmering, slow burn."―Tracey Garvis-Graves, New York Times bestselling author"Stephens has perfectly and with gut-wrenching honesty portrayed the reality of a love triangle, and the mess that ensues when bonds are severed and new ones are formed. What happens when you find your soul mate at the worst possible time, in the least expected place? What if being with that person means doing the most wrong thing you've ever done? Thoughtless is one of those books that leaves you thinking about these questions, the characters and their choices for days if not weeks after reading."―Tammara Webber, New York Times bestselling author
About the Author S. C. Stephens is a #1 bestselling author who spends her every free moment creating stories that are packed with emotion and heavy on romance. In addition to writing, she enjoys spending lazy afternoons in the sun reading, listening to music, watching movies, and spending time with her friends and family. She and her two children reside in the Pacific Northwest.
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Most helpful customer reviews
45 of 52 people found the following review helpful. It felt good to go back... I just wanted to go forward, to a place I'd never seen or felt before... By Jessica Sotelo (Angie & Jessica's Dreamy Reads) 3.5 StarsThoughtful was probably my most anticipated read... ever. I read Thoughtless in early 2012, and Kellan and Keira's unforgettable, forbidden love story has stayed with me every day since. It might be my most re-read story. It set the bar high for every romance book I've read since, leaving me secretly hoping that the feelings I felt while reading Thoughtless for the first time might be recaptured again in every book I've read since, but never were. Did Thoughtful live up to the expectations I placed upon it in my mind? Yes and no. I absolutely love Kellan Kyle in a way that I have never and will never love another leading male character in fiction ever again. He holds a place in my heart that is solely his. So, of course, a story from his perspective? I'm that enamored with him that I'll take it in any way I can get it and I'll devour it, gladly. And I did. It was a comfort, a relief, a drink of ice cold water after a long drought having Kellan back in my life again. Holding Thoughtful in my hands, falling back into Kellan Kyle's story was like coming home. It was like finding my favorite blanket, curling up... And then not being able to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in. Something was... missing.I struggled a bit with Kellan's voice in Thoughtful. I wanted more. I wanted to feel immersed in this characters brain. I did feel the weight of his desire for Keira. I felt the depth of the sexual tension between them, the longing and the frustration. And I thoroughly felt how broken he was after the way he was raised. But his inner monologue was very repetitive. In Thoughtless, Kellan came off as a very deep character, an emotional, sensitive rocker whose pain was quiet, but whose personality as the rocker, the playboy, the friend was an outgoing, friendly one. I didn't feel that in Thoughtful. I didn't feel like I was given a whole lot more than what I had before. His thoughts were pretty surface, redundant, not really delving down to where I felt he could have gone. There's so much to this character, his brutally heartbreaking upbringing, how much he truly valued his friendships, his music, his band... I wanted to feel like I was so deep inside this beloved character's mind, heart, soul that I'd never want to come out. I felt Thoughtful lacked the strong masculine tone that other male POV books have delivered. Kellan is a sensitive character, but he's still a guy, and that didn't come across as strongly as I needed it to, as a reader. With that said, I still enjoyed being in there, in Kellan's head... I just craved more depth. It's possible that my illusion of what Kellan was thinking throughout Thoughtless was better than the reality of it in Thoughtful.The timeline of Thoughtful is virtually the same as it was in Thoughtless, with a few well placed flashbacks to Kellan's youth to paint an accurate depiction of just how tough this kid had it in his younger years. For me, this was both good and bad. Of course I wanted to see every pivotal, memorable scene through Kellan's eyes. I wanted to feel every ounce of what it felt like for him to have coffee every morning with Keira, to feel her lick salt and tequila off his hand, the rain scene and the Espresso stand and the confrontation in the backroom of Pete's bar... I wanted it all from Kellan's perspective. But I also wanted more. I wanted to feel like this was a story I hadn't known before. I wanted to see what Kellan was doing and thinking before he met Keira, and in those spans of time he was absent in Thoughtless, in the moments he was just Kellan. I wanted to see the love Kellan felt for Keira from his perspective, but I also wanted to get to know the man he was without her. I wanted to see everything through a fresh set of eyes. I wanted to come away knowing and feeling Kellan Kyle in a way I couldn't have without getting in his head. He comes across as weak in this story, desperate, infatuated with Keira in a way that makes him seem as if he's lost himself entirely. Thoughtful illustrates his willingness to just take the scraps of what he can get from Keira and be content doing so. I never felt compelled to tell Kellan Kyle to man-up until I read this book.Kellan's brief flashbacks to his childhood of abuse and neglect are heartbreaking and difficult to read. But through them, the reader is garnered a deeper understanding into why Kellan valued his friendship with Denny so severely, why it hurt so deeply to be used and cast aside by Keira while Denny was away. Kellan was a mistake. His parents made that abundantly clear every single day of his life until the day they died, leaving him with nothing but the four walls of a small, shabby house in Seattle. Enter Keira, and Kellan is again reminded repeatedly of the mistake he had become to Keira, as she waivers between him and Denny. We know from Thoughtless that Keira secretly loved Kellan through every bit of their tumultuous affair, but with every rejection, Kellan returns right back to believing he's the mistake he always was. And it's both frustrating and painful to read. Stephens thoroughly captures the essence of what Kellan felt down to his core for years, that he wasn't worthy of anything other than a quick romp with groupies, completely undeserving of love or anything more than what he'd always had. I felt Stephen's writing was her strongest in those moments, when she offered up scenes and insight we'd never had before, when she dug down deep and gave us the brutal reality of Kellan's pain.Readers might never accept the infidelity and the love triangle that occurred in this story when we first read it in Thoughtless. And Kellan's point of view doesn't attempt to make the relationship that blossomed between him and Keira seem any more right or appropriate in Thoughtful. But his perspective does allow the reader a deeper understanding into how they slipped into this situation. Kellan was abandoned, he was always alone, always searching for that connection with someone and he always came up empty. Keira, this sweet, but insecure and incredibly codependent girl is thrust into Kellan's life, courtesy of Denny, and then she, too, is left there alone. She's not just abandoned physically, but when Denny's phone calls cease and he becomes distracted by work, Keira as also left blowing in the wind emotionally in an unfamiliar city, with unfamiliar people. Many readers will never get on board with the idea that Keira could have done such a thing, no matter the circumstances, and Stephens doesn't attempt to draw acceptance from the previously unforgiving readers by making their illicit relationship seem anymore right from Kellan's POV than she did with Keira. To Stephens' credit, she demonstrates the fluidity of the impropriety in both books of how Kellan and Keira slipped into the comfort of each other's arms in the absence of everyone else who was supposed to be there for them. Right or wrong, their attraction was real and powerful and undeniable for both of them, equally. And the intensity of Kellan's attraction to and longing for Keira in Thoughtful is as concrete and profound as was Keira's in Thoughtless.Personally, I don't think readers should consider reading Thoughtful as a standalone. It's absolutely a complete story, but I think in order for a new reader to fully grasp the gravity and the perfection of the wrongness and the depth of the love story between Keira and Kellan, I really feel they need to read the Thoughtless series first. While Thoughtful is a great companion novel, a great compliment to an absolutely amazing series, it lacks that punch that Thoughtless delivered. With Keira's perspective in Thoughtless, I felt I was granted a complete, all-encompassing, consuming story where I felt connected to every single character, and felt fully invested in all of them. Thoughtful doesn't pack quite the same punch. Thoughtful delivers a sweet, but watered-down version of the same story. It's possible I set an unrealistic bar for this book, hyped it up too much in my mind. It's also possible that the author could have pushed the boundaries a little harder, gone outside the Thoughtless box a little more than she did. Either way, Thoughtful is what it is and I liked it. I enjoyed reading Thoughtful as I would enjoy rereading any of my favorite stories... that's what this felt like, rereading a book. It felt good to go back. I just wanted to go forward, to a place I'd never seen or felt before, and I didn't. That doesn't diminish what I did get, which was more Kellan Kyle, more than I thought I'd ever see again. And for that, for Thoughtful, I'm very grateful.
29 of 37 people found the following review helpful. ehhhh By PaschallBabe I loved the Thoughtless series so when I I saw that S.C. Stephens was writing a Kellan POV I was excited. But after reading it I'm just disappointed. In Thoughtful I found myself skimming through most of the book because I just couldn't take his inner monologue it was just so repetitive. I feel like this book was not a good edition to the Thoughtless series. There were times that Kellan just seemed to girly in this book like a few times he "whimpered" ( Just Noooooo) The Kellan in this book just isn't who I remember from the other books. The story line was ok I mean its just a repeat of everything we have already read but I just can not like the Kellan that was in this book
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. 3.5 stars By crodal Here are my thoughts. Don't read this unless you've read Thoughtless because if you haven't read Thoughtless you won't have a clue what I'm babbling on about!I LOVE Kellan Kyle. He has been my #1 book boyfriend since I first met him in 2012. I was so excited for this book. I couldn't wait to get into Kellan's head! I loved parts of this book, but unfortunately I just didn't love this entire book. I think maybe I would have just enjoyed reading my favorite scenes from Thoughtless in Kellan's POV. I guess at the end of the day, I didn't need a whole retelling of Thoughtless.I felt like there wasn't enough new material. I wanted more interactions with Kellan and his band members. I wanted more interactions with Kellan and Denny. Instead what I got was a lot of internal dialogue. Kellan spent a lot of time stuck in his own head telling me how worthless he was. How undeserving of love he was. He cried a lot. He was whiny. He had a very feminine inner voice to me! Where was the sexy, confident, charming rockstar that Kiera and I fell in love with in Thoughtless??By the 30% mark, the book started to pick up for me. By 60% I was glued to my kindle. Kellan got his swagger back and I remembered why I fell in love with him in the first place.The last 30% of the book was 5 stars for me. The showdown in the parking lot? That was 5+ stars. My heart was racing through that scene. My heart shattered for Kellan.And the biggest shock for me? I didn't dislike Kiera in this book. In Thoughtless I was not a Kiera fan. I thought both Denny & Kellan deserved better. But in Thoughtful, when reading it from Kellan's POV, I actually felt like I understood Kiera and her actions and the decisions she made. I liked Kiera. And I felt like a lot of the things that happened were on Kellan. He pushed her and confused her and I blamed Kellan and his neediness more than I blamed Kiera.So overall Kellan's POV of Thoughtless was 3.5 stars for me. Parts of this book are 5 stars and I will definitely be rereading my favorite scenes again.
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